openai shutting down codex ai model deep leaps doom and gloom with a bit of optimism Seed 2602509 Steps 50 Guidance 7.5

OpenAI is killing Codex API

openai shutting down codex ai model deep leaps doom and gloom with a bit of optimism Seed 2602509 Steps 50 Guidance 7.5
openai shutting down codex ai model, deep leaps, doom and gloom with a bit of optimism

Well guys, looks like this is the end for Codex API which was launched as limited beta by OpenAI in 2021.

This is the full announcement (via email):

On March 23rd, we will discontinue support for the Codex API. All customers will have to transition to a different model. Codex was initially introduced as a free limited beta in 2021, and has maintained that status to date. Given the advancements of our newest GPT-3.5 models for coding tasks, we will no longer be supporting Codex and encourage all customers to transition to GPT-3.5-Turbo. About GPT-3.5-Turbo GPT-3.5-Turbo is the most cost effective and performant model in the GPT-3.5 family. It can both do coding tasks while also being complemented with flexible natural language capabilities.

You can learn more through: GPT-3.5 model overview Chat completions guide

Models affected The following models will be discontinued: code-cushman:001 code-cushman:002 code-davinci:001 code-davinci:002

We understand this transition may be temporarily inconvenient, but we are confident it will allow us to increase our investment in our latest and most capable models.

—The OpenAI team

Codex is still available in Azure.

Codex is still used in Github’s (Microsoft as well) Copilot.

"seed": 2602509,
"used_random_seed": true,
"negative_prompt": "",
"num_outputs": 1,
"num_inference_steps": 50,
"guidance_scale": 7.5,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"vram_usage_level": "balanced",
"use_stable_diffusion_model": "protogenV22Anime_22",
"use_vae_model": "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned",
"stream_progress_updates": true,
"stream_image_progress": false,
"show_only_filtered_image": true,
"block_nsfw": false,
"output_format": "jpeg",
"output_quality": 75,
"metadata_output_format": "none",
"original_prompt": "openai shutting down codex ai model, deep leaps, doom and gloom with a bit of optimism",
"active_tags": [],
"inactive_tags": [],
"sampler_name": "euler_a",
"use_upscale": "RealESRGAN_x4plus",
"upscale_amount": "4",
"prompt": "openai shutting down codex ai model, deep leaps, doom and gloom with a bit of optimism",
"prompt_strength": 0.7,
"use_cpu": false

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