Dance of Chains Ethereal OpenBSD 7 3 s Reveal deepleaps com 4k 8k ultra highres raw photo in h Seed 178673 Steps 75 Guidance 7.5

Dance of Chains Ethereal, OpenBSD 7.3’s Reveal

Dance of Chains Ethereal OpenBSD 7 3 s Reveal deepleaps com 4k 8k ultra highres raw photo in h Seed 178673 Steps 75 Guidance 7.5
Dance of Chains Ethereal, OpenBSD 7.3’s Reveal,, 4k, 8k, ultra highres, raw photo in hdr, sharp focus, intricate texture

In the woods of the enigmatic realm,
A tale unfolds, its story overwhelms,
The seventh, third, a path untrod,
Of hushed whispers, a cryptic nod.

Mystery and riddle rise,
From shadows, where the echoes lie,
Ethereal enhancements, subtle gains,
A quiet dance of intricate chains.

A spark of light, a gentle arc,
From an unknown source, it starts,
Glowing embers, burning bright,
Silhouettes and shadows, in the night.

Abstract figures, they ascend,
From the depths, as a new trend finds,
New patterns, improving, intertwined,
A tapestry of thoughts, a fusion designed.

Guided veils, a curtain drawn,
In hidden chambers, it carries on,
Shadowed images, a cryptic vault,
For secrets, deep within, to halt.

A lurking shadow, a whispered breath,
Safeguards for the unknown, a subtle depth,
Untangled thoughts, disentwined,
In the quiet heart of systems, confined.

Two roads diverged in a cryptic tale,
And I, a traveler, paused to unveil,
The darkness, the thoughts, the sheer,
Hints of a realm, both complex and clear.

"seed": 178673,
"used_random_seed": true,
"negative_prompt": "lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts,signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name",
"num_outputs": 1,
"num_inference_steps": 75,
"guidance_scale": 7.5,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"vram_usage_level": "high",
"sampler_name": "euler",
"use_stable_diffusion_model": "elldrethsLucidMix_v10",
"use_vae_model": "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned",
"stream_progress_updates": true,
"stream_image_progress": false,
"show_only_filtered_image": true,
"block_nsfw": false,
"output_format": "jpeg",
"output_quality": 75,
"metadata_output_format": "json",
"original_prompt": "Dance of Chains Ethereal, OpenBSD 7.3's Reveal,, 4k, 8k, ultra highres, raw photo in hdr, sharp focus, intricate texture",
"active_tags": [],
"inactive_tags": [],
"use_upscale": "RealESRGAN_x4plus",
"upscale_amount": "4",
"use_lora_model": "",
"prompt": "Dance of Chains Ethereal, OpenBSD 7.3's Reveal,, 4k, 8k, ultra highres, raw photo in hdr, sharp focus, intricate texture",
"use_cpu": false

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