The Mysteries of Quantum deepleaps com best quality 4k 8k ultra highres raw photo in hdr shar Seed 7250093 Steps 50 Guidance 7.5

Mechanic Dreams, The Mysteries of Quantum

The Mysteries of Quantum deepleaps com best quality 4k 8k ultra highres raw photo in hdr shar Seed 7250093 Steps 50 Guidance 7.5

Amidst the starry heavens, a mystery does unfold,
A wondrous world of particles, and energies untold,
A realm of quantum wonders, where logic loses hold,
And science turns to poetry, with mysteries to behold.

In quantum world, the smallest things, can shift and dance and sway,
A place where time is relative, and light can bend and play,
The particles can spin and twirl, and move in odd array,
A place of magic, dreams, and hopes, where science leads the way.

The atom’s nucleus, at quantum scale, is home to mystic force,
A force of nature’s building blocks, that shape our universe,
The quarks and leptons, bosons too, all play their subtle course,
And in their dance, a pattern forms, a symphony, a verse.

The particles exist as waves, in patterns most complex,
A place where things can change their form, in ways we can’t digest,
A place of wonder, love, and hope, where science can attest,
That in this dance of particles, we find ourselves, our best.

The world of quantum physics, a land of hidden gems,
A place where science meets with art, and magic never ends,
A world of poetry and dreams, where love and science blend,
And in its mysteries, we find a truth, a message to extend.

In quantum world, the mysteries, of life and love are found,
A world where time and space and force, can be forever bound,
A place of beauty, grace, and hope, where magic does astound,
And in its dance of particles, the universe is crowned.

So let us dream and wonder, at this world of quantum laws,
And in its mysteries, find a truth, that transcends all our flaws,
A world of poetry and dreams, where love and science draws,
And in its particles, we find ourselves, and find our cause.

"seed": 7250093,
"used_random_seed": true,
"negative_prompt": "worst quality, low quality, normal quality, child, painting, drawing, sketch, cartoon, anime, render, 3d, blurry, deformed, disfigured, morbid, mutated, bad anatomy, bad art",
"num_outputs": 1,
"num_inference_steps": 50,
"guidance_scale": 7.5,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"vram_usage_level": "high",
"sampler_name": "euler",
"use_stable_diffusion_model": "revAnimated_v11",
"use_vae_model": "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned",
"stream_progress_updates": true,
"stream_image_progress": false,
"show_only_filtered_image": true,
"block_nsfw": false,
"output_format": "jpeg",
"output_quality": 75,
"metadata_output_format": "json",
"original_prompt": "The Mysteries of Quantum,, best quality, 4k, 8k, ultra highres, raw photo in hdr, sharp focus, intricate texture, skin imperfections, photograph of",
"active_tags": [],
"inactive_tags": [],
"use_upscale": "RealESRGAN_x4plus",
"upscale_amount": "4",
"use_lora_model": "",
"prompt": "The Mysteries of Quantum,, best quality, 4k, 8k, ultra highres, raw photo in hdr, sharp focus, intricate texture, skin imperfections, photograph of",
"use_cpu": false

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